Asparagus Pee, Gooblek & Other Neat Stuff |
Thoughts and observations of an Enneagram Type 7 INFP Beatles fan. I prefer baths to showers, late nights to early mornings, cats to dogs, and Mary Ann.
The perfect blog for all featherless bipeds.
is a 2-to-1 suspension of cornstarch in water. It acts like a liquid if you
move it slowly, but a solid if you hit it or squeeze it. Click below for info
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
I may blog a bit later if I get a second wind, but I think I've accidentally used up all my blog juice responding to a thoughtful comment that was posted to my Passion of the Christ entry. If you're curious, just scroll down and read the comments and you'll know what I'm talking about. Update: OK, I worked past 10:00, but it's now about 2:15 AM, and I've got my second wind or my fifth beer or something. Turns out I've finally figured out what to do with at least one of the many many AOL disks that show up weekly. Click the little pic for a bigger pic. Hey! I learned a new word today! Someone named Fred mentioned to me this afternoon that he'd received an e-mail full of 'mondegreens' and I said 'huh?,' in my best Tim-the-Toolguy 'huh-wuh?' and he gave me a very accurate description of how Sylvia Wright had heard the Scottish folksong that goes Ye Highlands and Ye Lowlands and thinking how wonderfully romantic was the tale of the Lady Mondegreen, she was surprised when she learned that it was actually 'and laid him on the green,' thus becoming the patron saint of mis-heard lyrics. Here's a whole site full of Mondegreens.
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