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Thoughts and observations of an Enneagram Type 7 INFP Beatles fan. I prefer baths to showers, late nights to early mornings, cats to dogs, and Mary Ann. The perfect blog for all featherless bipeds.

Gooblek is a 2-to-1 suspension of cornstarch in water. It acts like a liquid if you move it slowly, but a solid if you hit it or squeeze it. Click below for info on Asparagus Pee.

Asparagus Pee?

Nick Cave - Into My Arms

More American Idol Thoughts

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Monday, April 28, 2008
Nick Cave - Into My Arms

I was ignorant of Nick Cave until I heard him talking with Terry Gross on NPR this morning - I sure wish more people were writing lyrics like "I don't believe in an interventionist God," including me. Anyway, it's a good song - give it a listen.

Update: Ok, so no comments, but come on - listen to the line where he says "I want to walk like Christ in grace and love and guide you into my arms." and try not to like this song.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008
More American Idol Thoughts

Deliberately non-sexy MC Pic.So, I'm watching American Idol™ this evening, and I'm looking at Mariah Carey and thinking, "Hey, I used to really like Mariah Carey, but it made me think again about my old roommate telling me she had a six or seven octave range...

Well, I can personally produce sounds, some admittedly quite ugly, over what, on a good day, approaches a 5-octave range, from a low note that is about a half-step lower than the guy on Elvis's "Way on Down" to a note that I can barely whistle, and I can produce any note along that 4.9 octave scale (which is only possible because I found a way to suck the air in instead of out and cheat-squeak a half-ocave or so beyond my regular fasetto that underlaps my lowest whistle by a note or two. (I do this when I imitate Paul imitating Little Richard, and I'm pretty sure Paul does too.)

Wikipedia had a cool page about "whistle-register", and Mariah has a song on her debut CD called Someday, where she definitely sings higher than I thought people could whistle, and higher than I can whistle by close to an octave, but after that, what's the point? Dog whistles?

Again, definitely not knocking MC - she's undoubtably one of the greatest singer/songwriters of our era. I'm just sayin'...

I listened to her first CD again tonight, and I have to say that I think she is probably the most effortless, if not the best, singer of our generation, but I was very disappointed that it seemed obvious to me that she lip-synched her AI performance this evening, and I can't think of any reason why that would be necessary unless she was sick.

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