Asparagus Pee, Gooblek & Other Neat Stuff This page is powered by Blogger. Isn't yours?
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It's time to take this bull by the horns and milk it.

Thoughts and observations of an Enneagram Type 7 INFP Beatles fan. I prefer baths to showers, late nights to early mornings, cats to dogs, and Mary Ann. The perfect blog for all featherless bipeds.

Gooblek is a 2-to-1 suspension of cornstarch in water. It acts like a liquid if you move it slowly, but a solid if you hit it or squeeze it. Click below for info on Asparagus Pee.

Asparagus Pee?

Picture Post

Google Image Labeler

Good News/Bad News: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Is Back

Don't try this at home.

Just do it.

Official Boston Website

Program yourself

Photo Post

Quick! What's wrong with this picture?

Today's Linkdump

Psst... have you heard about The Secret?

The Omnivore's Conclusion

From the mind of a 7-year-old girl...

Linky Doodles

Quote of the Day

We had snow last week.

Star Trek Cribs - The Director's Cut

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Friday, March 30, 2007
Picture Post

We're on vacation in Monterey, going to the aquarium tomorrow and whale-watching on Sunday. We had some excitement last night — our upstairs washing machine overflowed, and we drained about 20 gallons of water through some holes I drilled in the living room ceiling!

That lawnmower I'm posing with is my new rechargeable electric mower. It's very quiet, works like a million bucks, and there's no cord. I couldn't find one anywhere locally, so I ordered it from Amazon, and the weekend after it came, I wired an outlet and an overhead light with a light switch in my garden shed so I wouldn't have to keep it in the garage.

The picture of the pool shows some strange items floating about called Solar Sun Rings — they're supposed to make the pool several degrees warmer, and I hope they work because I now own 14 of the things, and they are obscenely not cheap.

Rechargeble Mower
New Toy!
Ceiling Pee
The Deluge
Ceiling Pee Cont'd.
Ceiling Pee
Solar Sun Rings
Solar Sun Rings
Up a Tree
Up a Tree
This space inten-
tionally left blank.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Google Image Labeler

Pure E-v-i-l.This could get addictive really, really quickly: Google Image Labeler. Google pairs you up with a partner who's on-line, and you try to label the image, and you have a set amount of time to hit on a match that becomes a defacto tag for that image. They have a list of forbidden most-obvious labels. It's pure e-v-i-l.

Good News/Bad News: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Is Back

Go to TV Guide Interview with Joss WhedonBuffy the Vampire Slayer Is Back, but season 8 is a comic book. Oh well, I guess that's better than nothing. Still, I miss SMG.

Don't try this at home.

Radioactive Boy Scout

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Just do it.

Asparagus Pee Quote.

"Anything not worth doing is worth
  not doing well. Think about it."

- Elias Schwartz

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Saturday, March 10, 2007
Official Boston Website

The lead singer from Boston died yesterday. I really liked them back in the day.

I think what they've done with their website is pretty classy: Official Boston Website

Friday, March 09, 2007
Program yourself

Click to go to this on YouTube™


Thursday, March 08, 2007
Photo Post

Here are a few pictures I took yesterday morning before I went to work:

Primrose Steps
Plum Tree
Flowering Plum Tree
Flower Cascade
Fountain of Flowers
Fresh Dirt!
My New Garden
Brocs & Cauliflowers
Broccoli in the Wild

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Asparagus Pee Quote.

"Reality is that which,
when you stop believing in it,
doesn't go away." — Philip K. Dick


Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Quick! What's wrong with this picture?

Kaiser Prescription Example

My healthcare organization is Kaiser Permanente, and this is an actual image from their "refill a prescription" page. Maybe it's just me, but something here doesn't seem right.

The good news is that they have adopted one of my best ideas — to print a description of the pill on the bottle. It's a great idea, even if they didn't get it from me.

Psst... have you heard about The Secret?

So Oprah's been at it again, and the big new buzz is a book and a movie called The Secret. It's basically just a rehash of a bunch of old stuff like the law of attraction, positive thinking, affirmations, and karma. No great harm, but as my mentor Jim Rhon says, "Affirmation without labor is the beginning of delusion."

Well, here's a great big bashing review over at
The Secret behind The Secret

(Scroll down when you get there.)

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Asparagus Pee Quote.

"He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hands and his head
is a craftsman. He who works with his hands
and his head and his heart is an artist."

--St. Francis, religious leader


Tuesday, March 06, 2007
The Omnivore's Conclusion

Here's a long NY Times article by Michael Pollan, the author of The Omnivore's Dilemma that I recommend you read, a further diatribe on the shortcomings of the American Diet.

His conclusion? Try to eat more food.

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From the mind of a 7-year-old girl...

Our 2nd-grade daughter Emily was given the assignment to "Write a story about a soldier who sees a horse behind a tree -- use all the words in the box [soldier, story, behind]. Here's how it turned out:

Once I was a soldier in an old old fairy tale and in that fairy tale I saw a horse that got out of a farm. So the horse hid behind a tree so I ride it back to the farm. And that story was a good one wasn't it? The End.

(The teacher's red pen says "Yes.")


Quote of the Day

Asparagus Pee Quotes...I've been reading The Education of Henry Adams by Henry Adams, who, besides being friends with Henry and William James, and the whole Emerson family, was the grandson of John Quincy Adams, and thus the great grandson of John Adams. Speaking of himself and school, he said:

"He hated it because he was herded together with a crowd of boys and compelled to learn by memory a quantity of things that did not amuse him."

I think that's a real gem, but to unearth one of these, you have to wade through hours of tedious first-person history of the Union's legation to England during the Civil War.


Monday, March 05, 2007
We had snow last week.

Snow around pool.Last Thursday, we had our once a year every few years snowfall that actually amounted to enough to play in. I went out late in the evening and took this picture of our pool in the snow - it's a little grainy looking because it's a long exposure with available light. Click for a bigger version. (It was much prettier in real life.)

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Star Trek Cribs - The Director's Cut

This is pretty cute - there's a whole series of stop action animation skits using old Star Trek action figures. (This is also my first You Tube post.)

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