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It's time to take this bull by the horns and milk it.

Thoughts and observations of an Enneagram Type 7 INFP Beatles fan. I prefer baths to showers, late nights to early mornings, cats to dogs, and Mary Ann. The perfect blog for all featherless bipeds.

Gooblek is a 2-to-1 suspension of cornstarch in water. It acts like a liquid if you move it slowly, but a solid if you hit it or squeeze it. Click below for info on Asparagus Pee.

Asparagus Pee?

Our Excellent Adventure

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Our Excellent Adventure

So we went to Florida and visited Disneyworld™, and Emily had a blast. She said her favorite ride was the Haunted Mansion™. Here are a bunch of pictures of stuff that we did and saw. I was pleased to learn that the daycare center onboard the ship had the same name as my office, "The Funzone."

I bought a new digital camera (Canon Powershot A85) to take on the trip, and I'm very happy with it. It takes movies as well as pictures, and our new host, Network Solutions, has streaming Windows media, so I'm going to test posting three movies: Homosassa Manatee, Palm Beach in Aruba, and Emily makes a Sand Angel.
Oh, Mickey, he's so fine.
Obligatory Mickey Mouse Shot.
Hangin' out, catchin' a few rays.
Gator Pond
Gecko and a close relative.
Gecko and Gator
Patriotic Bird.
Cool or over-the-top?
Manatees of Homosassa Florida.
A Manatee
Florida's got Flamingoes
Em drives a golf cart.
Emily Drives a Golf Cart
Visiting with the Scotts.
Us with Sol & Mickey Scott
Chris and Emily in a Teacup.
Care for a spot of tea?
Em drives Formula 1.
Emily Drives Formula 1
Em Guards the Castle.
Emily Guards St. Thomas Sandcastle
Chris and a Monkey in a Diaper.
St. Kitt's has Monkeys.
Dang, Ma, that's a big-ass boat!
Big Boat
Emily's bunk bed.
Emily in her bunk
The world through Emily's eyes.
Emily's Point of View
Emily's playcare center.
The on-board playcare center.
Dressed for a treasure hunt.
The dread pirate Emily.
Emily makes a sand angel.
Ever seen a sand angel?

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Sacramento's Top 25 Websites, kinda

48-yr-old Geekboy with the strength of 10 men. I may not be the coolest guy in the world, but when he dies...

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