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It's time to take this bull by the horns and milk it.

Thoughts and observations of an Enneagram Type 7 INFP Beatles fan. I prefer baths to showers, late nights to early mornings, cats to dogs, and Mary Ann. The perfect blog for all featherless bipeds.

Gooblek is a 2-to-1 suspension of cornstarch in water. It acts like a liquid if you move it slowly, but a solid if you hit it or squeeze it. Click below for info on Asparagus Pee.

Asparagus Pee?

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Saturday, January 10, 2004
Moron?OK, I have to admit that Mr. Bush may have accidentally done something almost right - I mean, even a clock that doesn't run is right twice a day.

Now, I know that his new immigration scheme is designed to garner the Hispanic vote, and that it's not quite fair to either workers or employers on so many levels, but having read the section in Reefer Madness on the sorry state of migrant workers who pick strawberries in California, I think its a genuine improvement in the plight of illegal workers/immigrants. Having said that, here is an interesting analysis with lots of relevant links: Citizen Smash. (via Critical Section)

I'd like to be excited about the Bush plan to go back to the Moon and onward to Mars, but I just can't. I've been looking at these exciting new pictures from Mars, and I gotta say, I hope that we do discover some trace of life there, because that would be completely revolutionary and totally cool, but I've lived several years in Arizona, and Mars looks way, way, way too much like the worst parts of Arizona without any water. Oh, and there's also that little issue of, oh, you know, like, the money. Manned missions are grandstanding for the benefit of others, and just plain don't make sense.

So while I'd like to get all inspired by Mr. Bush, I just can't.

I basically agree with Bruce Sterling, who's been blogging that we should expect to settle on Mars way after we've successfully settled the Gobi desert, since it's much cheaper, much closer, and much more accomodating. Bottom line? I think Dubya's just trying to capture a little of the JFK bravado going into the election and more or less failing. (I never met Jack Kennedy, but I'm pretty sure this Bush guy ain't him neither.)

On a lighter and much cooler note, here's a link to 'I.'(via Presurfer)

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