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Tuesday, December 16, 2003
I'm not sure what to even think about this yet, but it's the first winner of the Asparagus Pee "Duh!" Award: According to New Scientist, "Men lose the ability to think rationally when they see beautiful women, suggests new research." I've always been a guy who normally reads only nonfiction unless something remarkable comes along, but that seems to be changing lately simply because of a new service at our public library. They have this new online resource where you can reserve books and have them put on hold. Whereas before, you could place a hold on a book, you had to wait in line and pay a small fee, and it took forever, with this new system it automatically places you in a queue for the next shot at any available copy from any library in the Placer County system. It's free, and they notify you when it comes in. So right now, I'm reading The Time Traveler's Wife, and before that, I just finished Steve Martin's little book Shopgirl, and you already know about Life of Pi and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. Even though I've managed to intersperse a couple of the science and self-help titles that are more typical for me, I've probably read more fiction the last two months than I've read in the last five years, and it hasn't hurt a bit.
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