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Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Well, the vote is over. It's times like this that I wish Frank Zappa were still alive - I would love to hear him ![]() I'd also love to hear his take on the whole RIAA vs. filesharing thing. Arguably one of the earliest, most prolific, and most successful indie label self-promoters, he was also very conscious of both where the money goes and intellectual property rights. If you ever get a chance, you should read The Real Frank Zappa Book. He had a lot of interesting ideas like this one: to stop people from laundering huge sums of cash for illicit purposes, periodically change the color of the money to force people to exchange the old color for the new color - then if someone has, say, $150,000 in large bills, they got some 'splainin' to do. By the way, I did vote yesterday. I voted against the recall and for Bustamante. I should note that I'm not at all surprised by the outcome. I get a couple hundred spam messages a day that make it through our company's spam filter, and the trend lately seems to be offers for vicodin, which has got to be illegal. I understand the spammers' theory of direct marketing - if you contact 1,000,000 people, and 0.01% respond, then that's 100 orders, right? But I mean, come on, I'm sitting here thinking, 'what kind of idiot in their right mind actually opens a message from Abdul Moran (my apologies to Abdul, I'm assuming they don't know someone by that name) with the subject line 'ma-ke yo'urs-elf a m^an lohwljivyxtkd' and ends up sending that guy their credit card for an order of pills from' But then I remember that I live in a county where 65% of the people voted for the recall, and for Arnold, and fully half of all people are below average in intelligence. To end this post on a much happier note, my investment portfolio briefly peeked its head above break-even for the first time in about three years - Go Tech Stocks! Go S&P 500!
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